
​Relieve for Plantar Fasciitis Pain: Home Remedies, Products, and Footwear Options

Posted by Foot Solutions Vancouver on 2023 Aug 21st

​Relieve for Plantar Fasciitis Pain: Home Remedies, Products, and Footwear Options

Plantar fasciitis is a common and often debilitating condition characterized by pain in the heel or arch of the foot. It occurs when the thick band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes, known as the plantar fascia, becomes inflamed or irritated. While medical intervention is important, there are several home remedies, products, and footwear options that can help manage the discomfort associated with plantar fasciitis.

Symptoms and Causes

The hallmark symptom of plantar fasciitis is sharp, stabbing pain in the heel or arch of the foot, particularly upon taking the first steps in the morning. This pain can also intensify after prolonged periods of rest or standing. The condition is often caused by overuse, inadequate foot support, obesity, or biomechanical issues that lead to excessive stress on the plantar fascia.

Top 5 Home Remedies

  1. Arch Massage with a Spoon: Gently rolling a frozen or chilled spoon under your arch can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. The cold helps to numb the area while the massage promotes blood flow and relaxation. Watch our video explanation here.
  2. Calf Stretches: Regularly stretching the calf muscles can help relieve tension in the Achilles tendon, which in turn reduces stress on the plantar fascia. We recommend gentle calf stretches with a towel or tensor band. Wrap the towel or band around the ball of the foot and gently move the foot upward towards your shin. Once you feel a gentle stretch in the calf muscles, hold the stretch for 2 to 3 minutes or until you feel a tension release in the calf muscle.
  3. Icing: Applying ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day can effectively reduce inflammation. Be sure to use a cloth or towel as a barrier to prevent frostbite.
  4. Foot Rubz Ball: This textured massage ball can be rolled under the foot to target specific trigger points and promote circulation. It's particularly effective in providing relief to sore and tense muscles. Don't have a Foot Rubz tool? Use a tennis or golf ball instead.
  5. Foot Taping: Taping the foot using athletic tape or specialized plantar fasciitis tape can offer additional support to the arch and reduce strain on the plantar fascia.

Top 3 Products for Plantar Fasciitis

  1. Infracare Pyro Plantar Fasciitis Sleeve: This compression sleeve provides gentle compression to the plantar fascia, promoting blood flow and reducing discomfort. It can be worn during physical activities or while resting.
  2. Orthoactive Soft Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint: Wearing a night splint can help keep the foot in a dorsiflexed position, preventing the plantar fascia from tightening overnight and reducing morning pain.
  3. Foot Rubz Ball: In addition to its use as a home remedy, the Foot Rubz Ball can also be considered a product as it's specifically designed to provide foot relief through targeted massage.

Top 5 Footwear Options

  1. Joya Shoes: Joya footwear features a unique sole technology that provides cushioning and support, relieving pressure on the plantar fascia. They are designed for comfort and are suitable for various activities.
  2. OOFOS Flip Flops or Slides: OOFOS offers recovery footwear with exceptional cushioning, ideal for post-exercise or all-day comfort. The shock-absorbing material reduces strain on the feet.
  3. Xelero Steadfast Sneakers: These sneakers are engineered to support natural gait mechanics. They feature advanced cushioning and a stable sole, making them great for daily wear. Their stiff rocker bottom sole prevents flexing of the toes, which reduces stress on the plantar fascia.
  4. Finn Comfort Shoes or Sandals: Finn Comfort offers orthopedic footwear with anatomically shaped footbeds that provide optimal arch support and cushioning. They come in various styles for different occasions.
  5. Aetrex Slippers: Aetrex slippers combine plush comfort with arch support. Their contoured footbeds promote proper alignment and alleviate pressure on the plantar fascia.

Dealing with plantar fasciitis pain requires a multifaceted approach. While home remedies and specialized products can provide relief, selecting the right footwear is crucial for preventing and managing the condition. Whether you opt for the unique cushioning of Joya shoes, the recovery benefits of OOFOS footwear, the stability of Xelero sneakers, the orthopedic support of Finn Comfort, or the comfort and arch support of Aetrex slippers, the right footwear can make a significant difference in your comfort levels.

If you're struggling with persistent plantar fasciitis pain, book a complimentary appointment with one of our Certified Pedorthists. We can provide personalized advice and solutions tailored to your specific needs, helping you find lasting relief and improving your overall foot health. Don't let plantar fasciitis hinder your quality of life – take proactive steps to alleviate pain and discomfort today.